Sew a Crockpot Lid Cover

I love making my favorite desserts in my crockpot.  Desserts like dump cakes and crisps can be tricky in the crockpot though.  They tend to come out soggy.  But I have a little trick up my sleeve that makes them come out perfect every time.  My secret is the “tea towel under the lid” trick.   Never heard of it?  The idea is that the towel soaks up the moisture and the desserts are crisp and the toppings are browned.  I used that trick for many years until a friend shared a great little sewing project with me—a Crockpot Lid Cover.

Crockpot Lid Cover

Towel trick

The tea towel was a great idea but an even better idea is the Crockpot Lid Cover.  With this cute, fast little project my crockpot looks stylish and I can color-coordinate my crockpot with the holiday.  It takes no time at all to make and really dress up the ole crockpot. 

Today I thought I would share a quick tutorial for a lid cover for your crockpot so you don’t have to resort to the ‘tea towel under the lid’ trick again.


Toweling or terry cloth (the amount will depend on the size of the lid)

Main fabric in whatever 100% cotton print you like

¼ inch width elastic


I use terry cloth or a microfiber towel for my lid covers.  You can really use any cotton material for this.


Step One

Trace the crockpot lid and add 2 ½ inches all the way around.  This will give you your pattern. 

I needed to tape several sheets of paper together to make the pattern

Step Two

Cut one from the toweling or terry cloth fabric and one from the main fabric.

Step Three

With right sides together, use a ¼ inch allowance to stitch around the outside.  Leave a 2 ½ inch gap to turn it right side out.  Make sure to back-stitch at the beginning and the end.

I mark where I want to leave the gap by using double pins. 

Step Four

Turn it right side out right side.

Step Five

Sew a row of stitching around the edge, about 1/8″ from the edge. You will close up most of the 2 ½, leaving a small opening big enough to thread the elastic through.


Step Six

Sew a another row of stitching about 1/2″ from the edge.  

Step Seven

Use a safety pin to thread the elastic through the casing you just made.  Stretch the elastic around your lid to measure the length needed.   (You have to have it big enough to get the cover on.)  When the elastic is through the casing sew the ends of the elastic together.

I usually measure the elastic when I have it through the casing by trying it in the lid to be sure it fits

Step Eight

Sew the opening closed.  Easy Peasey!  Your Crockpot Lid Cover is done! 

finished lid

You can make one for every holiday

Wasn’t that just sew easy?

During the holiday season there always seems to be a lot of potlucks.  This little lid cover comes in handy.   I love taking my Crockpot Peach Cobbler to them.